Why would my Osteopath use Dry Needling during our consult?

At SHG our Osteopaths Dr Melissa Arnts, Dr Sarah Duggan and Dr Jason Youssef offer Dry Needling as part of their Osteopathic treatment. Their treatment is still hands-on, but they will have the option to enhance your consult by using Dry Needling where they deem appropriate.  


How does Dry Needling reduce my pain?

Dry Needling involves inserting a fine filament needle into the muscle fibres such as “trigger point” (or what is commonly called a “knot”) and stimulating a response. The goal of using this technique is to cause a local twitch response to relieve muscular tension and pain. A muscular “knot” or “trigger point” is often painful and rigid. The needle causes a microscopic change to the muscular fibres in this “knot” and by doing so we jump-start the body’s normal healing process. There is an influx of blood flow to and from the area to assist this process.


 Why would my Osteo use Dry Needling?

Have you ever had a treatment where you have been in so much pain, that any direct pressure or even touching the injured area is unbearable? Or, have you suffered from a constant ache in the upper shoulders from a long day sitting at your desk? This is where Dry Needling can be an extremely useful addition to Osteo treatments.

In our experience at SHG when treating the acute patient, we find that by administering some needles into the affected area can significantly reduce the patient’s pain with minimal discomfort and allow us to treat the real problem with our hands-on approach. For chronic pain patients needling is a great way of penetrating much deeper into the muscle fibres, accessing those constant “knots” in your traps that you can never get rid of and are always getting your partner to massage!


What are the benefits of Dry Needling?

·         Decrease muscle tension

·         Decrease pain

·         Increase range of motion

·         Improved healing

·         Tissue regeneration

·         Improved sleep and relaxation


What conditions does it assist?

Dry Needling is safe to treat people of all ages and can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including:

·         Shoulder tension

·         Neck pain and stiffness

·         Headaches

·         Back pain

·         Frozen shoulder

·         Tennis elbow

·         Hamstring tension

·         Knee pain

·         Calf muscle tension

·         Ankle sprains

·         Tendinopathies – such as Achillies and Biceps

 Is Dry Needling the same as Acupuncture?

Whilst the needles may look the same Dry Needling and Acupuncture are very different. Acupuncture involves inserting fine, sterile needles into acupoints, which are found along the body’s meridians. It is a whole body treatment used to treat energy blockages (Qi) and disturbances in various bodily systems.

Whilst many trigger points have a corresponding acupoint, Dry Needling is only used to treat pain as a result of myofascial trigger points.


Does it Hurt ?

Have you ever had an injection at the doctors? The needles we use at SHG are 0.2-0.25mm in diameter.

This is approximately ten times smaller than the injections you may be familiar with.


How do I book an appointment?

Here at SHG Dry Needling is used in conjunction with Osteopathic treatment. We find it a useful tool to help our patients with their treatment and achieve a sustainable solution to their pain.

 If you would like to combine Dry Needling with your next appointment please call 9589 7815 or book online with Dr Melissa Arnts, Dr Sarah Duggan or Dr Jason Youssef.