Michelle Port

Michelle has lived in the Bayside area for most of her life. Prior to working at SHG, she spent a number of years working as a Dental Assistant and Practice Manager for an Orthodontist.

She has two daughters who attend Beaumaris Secondary and Beaumaris North Primary School, and you will often see them popping into the clinic on their way home from school!

Michelle’s two daughters are heavily involved with a number of the local sporting clubs and as a result spends a lot of her free time running her children around to their various sporting commitments(which I am sure many of you can relate to!). Michelle enjoys keeping fit & healthy, and is often seen pounding the pavement of the local streets with her dog or working out in the gym at SHG.

Sara Hellyer - Michelle Port tall portrait April 2019 (1)_web.jpg

Meirav Dulberg

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